The Astounding Tumbled Crystals!

To buy tumbled crystals means to make your life beautiful, less stressful and unload it with ill-health. However, tumbled Crystals or gemstones come in different shapes, colours and sizes that often make anyone confused to decide which one to use or wear, especially for those not aware of the chakra system. 

buy tumbled crystals

buy tumbled crystals

buy tumbled crystals

Significance of tumbled crystals!

The natural minerals or rocks are processed to make smooth, round pebbles called tumbled crystals that are usually 1 to 5 cm in size. Using these crystals in different forms can alter your life positively. This is because tumbled crystals and rocks possess an aura, a power that is specifically used to heal and balance the energy.

The human aura is an electromagnetic energy that consists of different vibrations or frequencies. Being affected by many influences and factors, the aura of the person does not remain stable. A weak or negative aura indicates physical illness or disease, conflicted emotions, psychological issues and restricted spiritual development. 

The use of the right crystals acts as a shield against negative auras and negative energies, delivering well-balanced psychological and emotional health. To strengthen the aura with crystal spheres means moving towards becoming a healthier, more well-balanced person with a stronger spiritual base.

crystal spheres

crystal spheres

crystal spheres

In addition to using tumbled stones for healing purposes, they have a wide range of applications such as for decoration, water fountains, vases, jewellery, and rock massages.

Choosing the tumbled stones!

When choosing crystals for your own use or in healing practice, it is easy to find a huge variety at a reasonable cost. Usually, small tumbled stones are preferred, because these are neither too heavy to place on the body nor too small to get lost easily.

Small crystals of amethyst, smokey quartz and citrine are common and well worth adding to your collection. The amethyst is believed to be a truly spiritual stone that if you keep at the side of the bed will make you emotionally strong. Whereas, smokey quartz is a grounding stone that can ground excess energy and is widely used during meditation sessions. Try to find crystals that are 10 to 12 undersized and don't irritate when you lay them on your body.

Whether you pick the perfect clear crystal or battered one, it's better to clean crystals ahead of employing them in remedial applications. This helps get rid of unrequired energies from the stones that you must also cleanse after every use; else it will turn out to be ineffective. The cleansing task is also simple; you can immerse them in dried out sea salt, or apply a visualization method or expel air gradually over the crystal. Also, you can make use of sound to clean your crystals as well. By generating the quivering from a tuning fork or bell, it’s easy to clean crystals of superfluous vibrations and vigors.

The colour of the stone has its own significance. The crystal colour and some specific kinds of crystal represent the therapeutic attributes of crystals. For instance, buying red-coloured crystals or jewellery helps spark off, excite and energize. Such crystals help in movement, enthusiasm and spark-off energy and their interactions. Whereas, yellow crystal jewellery cures the neural and gastrointestinal system and clear crystals help in refinement and broad cleanup.

Whether for decorative purposes or to improve your health condition, check out the wide collection of tumbled crystals at 


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