Magical Effects Of Chakra Stones

Chakras can be considered imaginary points in the body where the spirit and matter coincide. The human body is believed to possess 7 chakras aligned along the spine. Chakra stones are believed to repair the misaligned chakras that are causing unease and anxiety. Healing Crystal shops offer different types of chakra stones for different needs. We will discuss different chakra points and which stones should be used to realign them in the following points. Root Chakra Located at the base of the spine, misalignment of the root chakra is the cause of tiredness and loss of motivation. An overactive root chakra is a cause of sudden bursts of anger. Stones: Red Garnet, Bloodstone and Ruby etc. Place the stone near your groin and think of passion, and you will soon feel better. Sacral Chakra Found just below above your groin, the sacral chakra symbolizes creativity. A misaligned sacral chakra is a reason for confusion and lack of ambition. Stones: Orange Calcite, Fire O...